Sunday, December 04, 2005


Hope everyone had a great weekend. Jamie and I had a great time shopping for little Tori. But before we could shop we spent 30 minutes trying to put the carrier on the stroller. It was one of those two in one car seat and stroller. After messing with it for 20 minutes in the parking lot of Katy Mills mall we went in and I was going to ask another mom but we ran into one of my patents and her husband fixed it for us. Jamie and I could not believe we could not get the thing together. After all that we had fun but we had to go to the bathroom like 3 times for different things. Babies are a lot of work, I may never have kids.

Well, Monday is almost here so make it a wonderful week. Don't work to hard!!


~Stephanie~ said...

I like this picture in color!! She is a little angel!!

Anonymous said...

Tori is the most beautiful little angel I have ever seen.

Grandpa John